Minor Release Date
- Wed Oct 4, 2017 (Available at approx. 10pm EST)
- Pager Number (Zomato Book Pro App)
- Made the pager number bold and changed color to yellow to stand out (bottom right of image)
- Allow editing the pager number when viewing the party detail.
- Made the pager number bold and changed color to yellow to stand out (bottom right of image)
- Improved Initial Load (Zomato Book Pro App)
- When the app is logged into for the first time, the amount of time taken to load the data has been reduced by 50% or more.
- When logging into the app after the first time, the app should now load within seconds if there has not been a significant amount of data processed since the last time the app was used.
- Blocking Capacity (Zomato Book Pro App)
- Blocking/Unblocking rows will clear the individual blocked cells on the row
- Reduced the amount of data being stored when blocking/unblocking cells so that only necessary data is kept. This helps decrease initial load time.
- Collapsable Upcoming Party Section (Zomato Book Pro App)
- This section can now be collapsed
- This section can now be collapsed
Bug Fixes
- Phone/Table Number/Name Search (Zomato Book Portal)
- When searching for parties using table numbers, this was also searching for parties containing the table number. This was improved so that the phone number search is only done when there are more than 3 characters entered, otherwise a table number search is only done. The system still finds tables with more than 3 characters if they exist.
- Name searching is fixed now so that search can be performed on both the full/partial first and last names.
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