On certain days, you may be encountered with the following message on the bottom of your screen:
- 'No booking hours available'
This occurs when there is a conflict with your booking hours and can be controlled through the Booking Hours section at the top left corner of the App.
***Bookings CANNOT be made internally (or externally) on days where there are no booking hours.***
Days with no available booking hours will be clearly defined on your calendar, outlined in red.
In the above example, there are no booking hours defined for Sundays (ALL Sundays).
If you would like restrict bookings on a specific date (ONLY Sunday the 2nd, as oppose to ALL Sundays), please create a Booking Restriction.
*If you encounter a message that states, 'No hours of operation', please click here.
**If you encounter a message that states, 'No booking availability', please click here.
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